People wishing to teach English and looking for a recognised language teaching certificate cannot go wrong with a CELTA qualification. The Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults is targeted towards people with no or limited teaching experience, and offers them the opportunity to teach English as a foreign language throughout the world.

«Teaching English as a Foreign Language» (TEFL) as well as «Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages» (TESOL) are general terms used in the English teaching world. CELTA is the only certificate recognised throughout the world.

The CELTA course is taught exclusively in English.

CELTA-Courses with Flying Teachers

Flying Teachers offers full-time CELTA courses. The course will teach you the principles of effective teaching and a range of practical skills for teaching English to adult learners. You will have hands-on teaching practice, observe experienced teachers in the classroom and complete four practically focused written assignments.

Our courses are designed to help you gain the certificate and make the course an enjoyable learning experience. Our CELTA Centre trainers have a reputation of being supportive and helpful: More than 500 teachers have done the CELTA with us.

The CELTA is both a challenging and a professionally rewarding experience. Trainees should be prepared to devote hours of study/research outside the training sessions each week. It is highly recommended that candidates have no other commitments during this time.

You will be assessed throughout the course, with no final examination. An external assessor, appointed by Cambridge ESOL, moderates each course.